Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lowering the US carbon footprint

Apparently there's a move to get the U.S.* to lower its "carbon footprint".

How much lower would it be if we sent all illegal aliens back to their native countries?

*which is becoming less "U" every day

40,000 Americans stuck in England?

Too bad they're not Haitian refugees; the Navy would send an aircraft carrier to evacuate them to the US.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Obama's View of Private Industry vs. Government

So, our great socialist president thinks that private industry can do a better job with the space program than NASA can?

Where was this attitude when it came to health care, financial services, the automotive industry, or mortgages?

All it means is that he thinks the space program is a waste of time; otherwise, he'd want another trillion dollars for it--and have it be under the stultifying yoke of Big Brother.